Promo Codes

There are many ways to save money.
Couponing by cutting out money-saving paper clips in a newspaper or by printing them by reliable sources online is a great tool to shop smarter.

My favorite way to save is by utilizing promotional codes.
I stock up on items that I know our family will use. We have the room and enough extra money to prepurchase if the savings is worth it. I always look at the details...
If there's a 30% off promotional code available for only your first order, then I want to maximize my savings by using all of the FREE MONEY SAVINGS that's available to me. If the fine print/details explain that the maximum discount is $20 then I do the quick calculation to find out how much I need to spend (again only buying things we actually need) to get the savings in full.

I jot down an equation to solve...  20/unknown and 30/100 I multiply 20 times 100 = 2000 then divide by 30. so I'd need to spend over or close to $66.66 to get the maximum out of pocket saving of $20 off of the order.

so If I spent 66.66 minus the $20 savings = 46.66.

I try to use these codes in the best way possible. I don't stock up on things I can get easily at a good price at Costco, I instead use the promo codes for items rarely discounted. Like my premium deodorant or our specialty dog food.

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